Stare Mury

New ideas in the Stare Mury

During Domodesign, attention was drawn to the Old Walls zone, prepared by the Arche Group, which deals with the renovation of old buildings. The architects, Piotr Grochowski and Wojciech Kolada, invited all interested parties to a fascinating journey into the world of readaptation and revitalization. They not only showed photos, but also exhibits from restored objects, which in the new version gained another life. In this extraordinary journey they were accompanied by numerous guests, who are not strangers to the subject of revitalization. They presented, among others, a barn converted into a wedding hall and a beautiful mansion in Dankowo, which became a house of art. It was also about modern construction technologies used in historic buildings and a unique combination of sound, design and acoustics in old walls.

Observing the huge interest in the event and lively discussions accompanying individual speeches, the organizers of Domodesign decided to start a series of meetings with architects in this zone in the Domoteka space.